TEQUESTA Białołęka

International Preschool & Daycare of Warsaw




Tequesta Białołęka

TEQUESTA International Preschool & Daycare of Warsaw - Białołęka
ul. Zdziarska 61,
03-289 Warsaw
Tel: +48 603 919 094
e-mail: bialoleka@tequesta.pl
Our international, non-public TEQUESTA Białołęka Warsaw English language preschool is our latest establishment, but the philosophy that guides us is the same here as in the other TEQUESTA preschools. The safety & security and sound development of children is taken care of by specialized staff, which the teaching profession treats as a vocation. Engaged and creative educators make children love our preschool. The director, Magdalena Kiepuszewska, makes sure the quality of the facility is as it should be.

The preschool is located at 61 Zdziarska Street in the Białołęka district of Warsaw, in family houses’ area, and it’s surrounded by some beautiful greenery. The establishment is located in a detached building with a large playground and its own kitchen facility. The rooms are spacious, colorful and full of light. The facility looks invitingly with its modern decor and toned down finish.



International non-public TEQUESTA Warsaw Białołęka English language preschool fulfils special dietary requirements by catering for cases of allergies and dietary exclusions. The chef and nutrition technologist plan and prepare their meals according to the Ministry of Education guidelines, following healthy eating recommendations. The meals prepared by our staff are tasty and healthy — all dishes are based on the highest quality ingredients.

Age requirement for admission at Tequesta Warsaw Białołęka:


3 to 6
age group



These are just a few guys of TEQUESTA international staff, the staff of 70 people!
Use this invitation to our Open Days to get acquainted with all teachers and Native Speakers!

Izolda Bombicz-Niemirska -Managing Director

Jestem absolwentką Uniwersytetu im Jana Kochanowskiego, Wydziału Psychologii i Pedagogiki, ukończyłam również Zarządzanie w Oświacie na Uniwersytecie Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Pedagogikę Przedszkolną i Wczesnoszkolną na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim oraz Handel zagraniczny w Szkole Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie, obecnie jestem studentką V roku psychologii:) Lubię się kształcić.

Swoją przygodę z przedszkolem, rozpoczęłam wiele lat temu w Republice Irlandii, gdzie najpierw będąc nauczycielem w grupie, a później dyrektorem placówki, zdobywałam swoje doświadczenie przez prawie dekadę. Z Tequesta jestem związana od 2013 roku, przez wiele lat pełniłam funkcję dyrektora oddziału na Mokotowie. Obecnie zarządzam wszystkimi placówkami Tequesta, wspieram wychowawców, dyrektorów, rodziców, dzielę się swoim doświadczeniem i pasją. Kocham pracę z dziećmi i z ludźmi. Uwielbiam patrzeć jak nasi wychowankowie dorastają i nabywają nowe umiejętności, jak uczą się nowych języków, kontaktów i życia.

Cechuje mnie radość życia :) Mam bardzo wszechstonne zainteresowania i pasje:)

Interesuję się astronomią, medycyną, psychologią oraz fotografią.

MAGDALENA KIEPUSZEWSKA - Dyrektor Przedszkola -oddział Białołęka

“Babies are born with wings. Teachers help them unwind them”
- Janusz Korczak

Being a mum opened my eyes to what matters most in life. My son, who completed TEQUSTA Mokotów, inspired me to change my career path and devote myself to working with children. I completed postgraduate studies in the fields of: special pedagogy, sensory integration therapy and preschool and early school pedagogy. At our establishment in Białołęka, we implement our academic know-how in the field of SI therapy.

Working with children gives me some tremendous satisfaction. Every day, I see children get to know new things, learn new experiences and build on their skills. Children are most important in our establishment and with this thing in mind we build our community.

My personal experience has shown me how important in working with children is the right approach, know-how and experienced staff. Every child is a small man or woman and deserves respect for his or her feelings and own opinion. In my life, I am guided by the saying that there are no naughty children. Children can be hungry, tired, thirsty, cold or overstimulated. My first trip to Tequesta was in 2008. It’s a really very quiet town in Florida (USA), characterized by virtually zero crime rate. My role is to ensure that our kids may enjoy the climate of this place every day.

RUBY MATUSZEWSKI-English Native Teacher

My name is Ruby and I am from the Philippines. I love teaching kids in kindergarten. I love my family and my children, in particular. In my free time, I love reading books, going to the beach and all sorts of trips.
I graduated in the Philippines with a bachelor's degree in management. In 2022 I also completed English Studies in Warsaw.
I have been a teacher in TEQUESTA since 2014 — first in the establishment in Mokotów, now in Białołęka.
My passion for teaching children was born the moment my first child was born. Watching my son grow, I finally asked myself — why not develop my passion for teaching children?

Recently, I spent a lot of time planning new fascinating ways to play and learn together. Dear children, I look forward to spending time together with you and watching you grow!

PAMELA MICHELLE NYATHI - English Native Teacher

"Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see"

- Neil Postman

My name is Pamela Michelle Nyathi and I am from Zimbabwe. I love children with all my heart, even though, I don't have my own. Although, I raised my sister's two wonderful little girls. I love teaching kids and watching them grow. I'm currently studying IBM at the University of Social Sciences.
I do my best to put in place safe and secure settings that are conducive for children to learn and develop. As an English language teacher, my main goal is to propagate and teach my pupils understanding and communicating in English.

Kaja Szymczak -Polish Language Teacher

I have been teaching kids for 8 years. I had the pleasure of working with kids in the 1 to 6 age group. I started my work with children as a caregiver in a daycare center, then as a teacher in a preschool.
I completed my pedagogical studies in the field of early school and pre-school education and I obtained a master's degree in education management. In my everyday activities, I focus on the strengths and abilities of each child. Working in preschool gives me a lot of joy and satisfaction.
I believe that each child is unique, so each of them must be approached individually. I have plenty of patience and love for children. I strive to develop curiosity in children about the world through play.

MARLENA BRUZDA - Polish language Teacher

“A good educator, who does not push but triggers, does not pull but brings up, does not press but shapes, does not dictate but teaches, does not demand but asks — will come to live many inspired moments with children.”

- Janusz Korczak

I completed master’s course in Pedagogy at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. I connect with children easily. I am characterized by caring attitude and thoughtfulness. I am an empathetic person, willing to help and well-organized.
I engage in working with children, with co-workers and in dealing with parents. Whatever the situation, I accept every child for who they are. Working with children gives me a lot of joy and satisfaction, and being a good educator is a challenge for me, because every child is different and requires an individual approach.
Smiles, hugs and nice words heard from children are the best reward and inspiration for my work.

MAGDALENA OLSZAK - Polish language Teacher

I have always linked my professional future with children. I graduated from the Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Pedagogy in Warsaw, majoring in preschool education with early school education. I have a few years of experience working with children.
In my work, the most important thing for me is to ensure the safety and security, as well as well-being of my pupils, while taking care of their proper development. It is also important for me that children in a warm and friendly atmosphere may stimulate their curiosity and develop their full potential. Working with children gives me great satisfaction, pride and joy as they succeed.
I have a lot of patience, I am sensitive and responsible person. I am empathetic and self-possessed. I know the needs of the little ones perfectly, because I'm a mum myself.

Teramirai Nyahoda - English Native Teacher

Hello, my name is Teramirai Nyahoda, but you can call me Terah. I am an experienced preschool English teacher with a master's degree in clinical psychology from the SWPS university and a Jolly phonics certificate . I am aiming to bring a unique approach to early childhood education. My deep understanding of child development allows me to create a nurturing and emotionally supportive classroom environment. using day-to-day examples to make learning relatable for my students, often integrating emotional intelligence and confidence-building into my lessons. I believe that children learn best when they feel understood, safe, and encouraged, and hence i foster a love for language by teaching through stories, real-life situations, and playful activities that engage both their minds and hearts

Julia Grochowina

I am a fifth-year psychology student at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. Working with children in a preschool is not only a challenge but also a great pleasure and a source of valuable experiences. Thanks to my knowledge of psychology and empathy, I approach each child individually, adapting my methods to their unique needs and abilities. I envision my future in psychotherapy, so every interaction with children teaches me how to better understand their emotions and behaviors. Working in a preschool allows me to support children in their development, which is extremely satisfying and inspiring for me. I strive to ensure that every child feels safe and accepted, and develops their talents and skills in an atmosphere of understanding and support. I believe that building strong, trusting relationships with children is key to their emotional and social development.

Zuzanna Piórkowska polish Language Teacher

ood day, I am a graduate of pedagogy at the University of Warsaw. I have 15 years of experience working with children. During these years, I have worked with children aged 2-9, working as a teacher in a kindergarten, conducting classes in a counseling center or cultural centers. For four years, I have also been a Social Skills Trainer. It was these classes that convinced me to take up studies in psychology and I connect my future with this field. At work, it is very important for me to give children a sense of security and build their self-esteem. I put a lot of emphasis on emotional education and selecting methods so that transferring knowledge is fun and not learning.

Katarzyna Bartoszek teacher assistant

I am a fifth-year psychology student at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. During my studies, I have gained knowledge in various fields of psychology, but I am most fascinated by working with children. I see my future in helping children overcome difficulties and supporting their proper emotional, social, and cognitive development. My interest in child psychology comes from the belief that every child deserves a chance at a happy and healthy life. I believe that the key to effective assistance is a deep understanding of each child's individual needs and specific challenges. For the past three years, I have had the opportunity to participate in internships and placements where I have worked with children facing various developmental and emotional difficulties. These experiences have convinced me that working with children is my calling. Working with children brings me immense joy, and every success, no matter how small, fills me with pride.

Makanaka Taziva - English native Teacher

My name is Makanaka Taziva,a dedicated and passionate Preschool teacher with a love for nurturing young minds. With a background in early childhood education, she creates a fun and engaging learning environment where children can explore, grow, and develop essential skills. Her patient, caring approach helps children build confidence, social skills, and a lifelong love for learning. Through interactive activities, play-based learning, and personalized attention, I ensures each child thrives academically and emotionally, laying a strong foundation for their future education.



What do Parents say about us?

Mateusz Baran
Mateusz Baran

Przedszkole i żłobek to wspaniałe miejsca, w których dzieci mogą rozwijać się i uczyć poprzez zabawę. Personel jest bardzo troskliwy i pomocny, a programy edukacyjne są ciekawe i skuteczne. Atmosfera jest przyjazna i bezpieczna, co pozwala dzieciom czuć się komfortowo i swobodnie. Rodzice mogą być spokojni, że ich dziecko jest w dobrych rękach i otrzymuje najlepszą opiekę. Polecam ten żłobek i przedszkole każdemu, kto szuka miejsca dla swojego dziecka.


Świetne miejsce moje dziecko spędzając czas tam rozwija się oraz czerpię radość, wiele zabaw, doświadczeni pracownicy, miłe przedszkolanki.Bardzo dobre podejście do dziecka we wszystkim. serdecznie polecam każdemu

Kinga Majewska
Kinga Majewska

Super miejsce! moja córka uwielbia chodzić do tego przedszkola. Dużym plusem jest to że jeden z opiekunów mówi po angielsku i dzięki temu dziecku samoistnie wchodzi obcy język co daje łatwiejszy start w przyszłości.

Filip Zawartka
Filip Zawartka

Żłobek Tequesta to miejsce, w którym moje dziecko czuje się bezpieczne i szczęśliwe. Personel jest bardzo opiekuńczy i zaangażowany, a zajęcia dostosowane są do potrzeb i możliwości mojego dziecka. Codziennie otrzymuję informacje o tym, co działo się w żłobku, co bardzo mi pomaga w byciu zaangażowanym w rozwój i edukację mojego dziecka. Jestem bardzo zadowolona z decyzji o wyborze Żłobka Którtka dla mojego dziecka i polecam go innym rodzicom.



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