Talking to your child about their day at preschool is a key element in building a close relationship and supporting their emotional and social development. Below are some practical tips that will help you have fruitful conversations with your child and learn more about their preschool experiences and feelings.

Choose the right moment

Children, especially younger ones, often need time to transition from one activity to another. Choose a moment when your child is relaxed and ready to talk, such as during a shared dinner or while getting ready for bed in the evening. Avoid questioning them right after picking them up from preschool when they might still be tired and distracted.

Ask open-ended questions

Instead of asking questions that can be answered with "yes" or "no," try asking open-ended questions that encourage your child to narrate. For example, instead of asking "Did you play with your friends today?" ask "Tell me, who did you play with most today and what did you do?"

Listen actively

Show your child that you are interested in their stories. Look at them when they speak and actively respond to their words—nodding, smiling, or asking additional questions about their story. This will make your child feel important and understood.

Teach emotional vocabulary

Preschoolers often feel emotions but don't always know how to name them. Help your child develop emotional vocabulary by talking about the feelings of both themselves and others. Questions like "How did you feel when that happened?" or "Did something make you sad today?" can help your child better understand and express their emotions.

Support through empathy

When your child talks about problems, show understanding and empathy. Avoid trivializing their feelings, even if the issue seems insignificant to adults. Phrases like "I understand that this is important to you" or "That must have been difficult for you" will help build a sense of security and trust.

Celebrate successes

Don't forget to celebrate the achievements and positive moments your child mentions. Praise them for good behavior, new skills, and progress in preschool. This reinforces positive self-esteem and motivates further development.

Be consistent

Regular conversations about preschool not only help you better understand your child but also make you an important part of their daily life. Try to make such conversations a regular part of your relationship.

Remember, every child is different and what works for one may not work for another. Flexibility and tailoring your approach to meet the individual needs of your child is key to effective and enjoyable communication. Through these daily conversations, you're not only building knowledge about your child's preschool life but also strengthening your mutual bond.


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