In an era where technology dominates nearly every aspect of our lives, children from the youngest ages are exposed to constant contact with screens. Televisions, tablets, smartphones have become almost indispensable companions in daily life, raising understandable concerns about their impact on the development of young individuals. Studies increasingly indicate the negative effects of excessive use of electronic devices by children, such as concentration disorders, sleep problems, and delays in emotional and social development. The response to these challenges lies in finding a healthy balance and introducing practical solutions into daily routines.

Understanding the (bad) impact of screens

The first step should be understanding why excessive use of screens can be harmful. Prolonged exposure to screen light can disrupt the natural circadian rhythm, reduce time allocated for physical activity, and limit direct social interactions. These latter are essential for the proper development of communication skills, empathy, and the ability to form relationships with others.

Setting rules

The foundation of a healthy approach to technology is establishing clear rules for screen use. It is necessary to define the hours and duration children can use electronic devices. It's important that all household members adhere to the established rules, thereby creating a consistent and healthy technology usage model.

Offering attractive alternatives

Limiting screen time doesn't have to mean boredom. The key is to offer children interesting alternative activities, such as board games, cooking together, or spending time outdoors. It's important that these suggestions match the child's interests and are perceptually attractive.

Technology as a tool, not a toy

Shaping a conscious approach to technology is equally important. Children should be made aware that electronic devices are primarily tools for learning, work, and communication, and entertainment is just one of their many functions.

Spending time together without screens

Parents should take care of daily moments spent together without the involvement of screens. Reading books, playing games, walks, or outdoor activities not only strengthen family bonds but also teach children that there are other forms of spending free time.

Education and discussions

Talking with children about the impact that screens have on their lives is crucial. Open communication can help in a better understanding of the risks associated with excessive use of electronic devices.

Being an example

Children often imitate adult behaviors, so showing that it is possible to actively and interestingly spend time without electronic devices is of great significance. Joint activities that do not require screens not only strengthen bonds but also teach children the values and pleasures that come from direct experiences.

Let's remember that children need a variety of experiences for comprehensive development, and parents, through conscious decisions and actions, can provide these experiences, while protecting against the potential negative effects of excessive/harmful use of technology.


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